The comound was soluble only in concentrated sulfuric acid. 1348 Typical of neutral, oxygen containing compounds. Region near 1-2 ppm contains one exchangeable proton. xvy} 7b+, 079_!\- # The compound is saturated and aliphatic with an X-H (X could be O, N, or S). The molecular ion is at 114. 9DQ)wGq7o`i+_'S*M,Ur3s! 26 Losses of water and methyl can be seen. Oxygen containing compound present. No significant absorption was measured. # The unknown is not conjugated. No extra elements were detected. 212531353941424349264048 Absent are halogens, nitrogen and sulfur. The compound burnt with a clear flame and left no residue. # This result indicated a saturated compound which is not a metal salt. 19-22 degrees. # A liquid in summer which solidifies in winter. Liquid film. ++++,*)***+**********))()**++,0:CGGFQ\cflw{xohc[SQNKKKSizѺulf^WSRTTSTV[caXQMHGFE@=;8765543201121/---,,+*)(''''''''&&&&&&%%%%%%%%&&%%%###$"#$$$$$$##########"####""""##########$$$$$$$$#####$%''(*03,)(') )**++****)((((((((())*+,,,--03579;@EQ^o|vsqu|wpmnr|zrmeboqxzmenzqg\NHCA@AKYlyyn`TGBEYz¶yeZORpvPB^R;F%!)3'%'+/8E689668